end of spring half term 2025
school street flyer
school street faq
matilda the musical
end of autumn term 2024 letter to parents
Dormers wells primary school christmas fair
follow us on our social media channels
occasional day letter 2024
october half term letter
attendance letter
letter to parents y6 open evening
community sports day 2024
end of summer term letter 2024
english national ballet youth dance opportunities
ealing reigonal park - have your say
your voice your town meeting
end of spring half term letter Feb 2024
letter to parents 10/01/24
end of autumn term letter 2023
parents/carers improving mental health for children
end of october half term letter 2023
workshop for parents - understanding teens
workshops for parents autumn 2023
how to sign into office 365 - multi factor authentication Year 13
end of half term may 2023
cost of living leaflet
7 things about your brain
end of spring term letter
teenage immunisations
Ealing parenting service - parenting workshop schedule
community wellbeing cafe
touchdown southall
feb half term activity newsletter
end of spring half term letter feb 2023
national ballet theatre letter
ks3 parental engagement event
y7 y8 y9 nasal flu vaccination letter
NFER test 2023 information
top tips science revision
young carers project
Free Parenting Programmes in Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi Language
MCCf hounslow girls cricket club
trip to barcelona 2023 january letter
Mental health parent tea and chat
young ealing foundation event
end of term letter december 2022
ealing council ph letter to parents scarlet fever 6/12/22
letter to parents 5 december 2022
Sixth form open evening
letter to parents 1 november 2022
free gtech community stadium womens fixture ticket
end of autumn half term letter 2022
gcse year 10 science letter to parents
covid 19 risk assessment september 2022
y7 focus evening presentation
letter to parents 13-09-2022
letter to parents 09-09-2022
end of summer term letter 2022
Year 7 newsletter
DWHS year 6 induction day
end of half term letter may 2022
year 13 exams letter 3rd may 2022
year 11 exams letter 3rd may 2022
lockdown letter to parents
Let's Get Out and About Newsletter Easter 2022
chair of trustees letter to parents 2022
end of spring term letter 2022
year 13 letter to parents summer exams 2022
year 11 letter to parents summer exams 2022
world peace day
Brentford FC Women - International Women's Day Game
parental workshop
end of half term february 2022
Contact Parenting Workshop
letter to parents 7 january 2022
letter to parents 4 january 2022
end of term letter to parents
FSM free winter holiday activities and food
guide for ofsted
ofsted letter
letter to parents - occasional day nov 2021
letter to parents - sixth form open evening
year 11 ppe topic list
Motivation REFRAMED speech - dr martijn
Holiday Activity Newsletter October Half Term 2021
parenting workshops
Family Workshops - Celebrating Black History Month
year 11 ppe timetable
year 11 revision timetable
ks4 revision guides
year 10 key information gcse science
Transition to secondary school
letter to parents 10 september 2021
return to school - september 2021
end of term letter - july 2021
Year 7 drop down day - june 2021
may half term letter 27.05.21
FSM Vouchers for May Half Term Letter
letter to parents covid-19 update for y7-10 & y12 students MAY 2021
letter to parents covid-19 update for y11 & y13 students may 2021
letter to parents - 21st may
Letter to parents - 13th May
letter to parents re year 11 cags - 6th may
letter to parents RE year 13 cags - 6th may
letter to parents 26th april
letter to y11 parents and carers re cags - 30th march
letter to y13 parents and carers re cags - 30th march
letter to parents 29th march
letter to parents 19th march
letter to parents 12th march
Letter to Year 13 parents and carers re CAGs
Letter to Year 11 parents and carers re CAGs
Parent letter from cllr julian bell - march 2020
letter from headteacher detailing re-opening from 8th march
letter to parents 24th feb
letter to parents 12th feb
letter to parents 3rd feb
South African Variant letter Feb 2021
letter to parents 28.01.21
letter to parents 21.01.21
letter to parents 14.01.21
letter to parents 08.01.21 COVID testing
letter to parents 05.01.21
letter to families remote learning
request for covid testing volunteers
COVID test consent letter 04.01.21
Headteacher Letter 31.12.20
letter to whole school 18.12.20
letter to parents and carers 17.12.20
end of autumn term 2020
christmas jumper day
letter to whole school 7th december
letter to whole school 1st december
Letter to parents 26th November
new national restrictions
occasional day november 2020
end of autumn half term 2020
letter to parents 12th october
letter to parents 30th september
hmi letter to parents 28th september
privacy letter to parents
please read letter from Public Health England.
breakfast club
letter to parents 1st september
DWHS Re-opening Plan Parent & Student Guide September 2020
symptoms of covid - flowchart for parents
letter to parents 17th july
parental guide
letter to parents 10th july
black lives matter community event
letter to parents 9th july
fundraising to bridge the digital divide at dwhs
letter to parents 3rd july
letter to pARENTS 26TH JUNE
letter to parents 19th june
covid 19 parent update
letter to parents 10th june
letter to parents 5th june
letter to parents 22nd may
year 7 and 8 exams 2020
letter to parents 15th may
letter to parents 7th may
letter to parents 1st May
preparing for college
bridging learning
frequently asked questions
letter to parents 27th April
letter to year 7 and 8 parents only
letter to parents 20th april
letter for year 11 and 13 students
letter to parents 02/04/20
public examinations
supporting my childs independent learning
accelerated reader advice
coronavirus update 19/03/20
Parent & Student information regarding Teaching & Learning
coronavirus update 18/03/20
coronavirus update 17/03/20
coronavirus update 16/03/20
coronavirus update 13/03/20
letter to parents 12/03/20
letter to parents 09/03/20
letter to parents 04/03/2020
letter to parents 28/02/2020
end of spring half term 2020
key information gcse science
Let’s Get Out & About Holiday Newsletter
cross curricular enrichment programme 2019/2020
End on autumn term
enhancing safety in our school
Headteachers absence
revision tip of the week
year 6 open evening
sports day
UCL 'Bring Your family to university' day
Revision tip of the week
End of spring term letter 2019
International evening 2019 letter to parents
Swanage residential fieldtrip (Year 10 GCSE Geography only)
Cross Curricular Enrichment Programme - March 2019
Letter to parents Jan 2019
Enhancing safety in school
PE Letter to Parents Nov 2018
​sacre letter 2018
letter to parents 20th july 2018
letter to parents 14th march 2018
letter to parents 1st March 2018
letter to parents 13 december 2017