Mathematics - A level
The challenge of A level Mathematics is likely to appeal to students who have enjoyed and found success in studying Mathematics at Key Stage 4.
A strength in using algebra and applying logical thinking will be necessary for higher level problem solving in topics such as Coordinate Geometry, trigonometry and Calculus. The rigour of Mathematics is highly regarded by the top universities.
Exam Board: Person Edexcel
Year 1 Subject Content:
Pure Mathematics:
- Proof
- Algebra and functions
- Coordinate geometry in the (x,y) plane
- Sequences and series
- Trigonometry
- Exponentials and logarithms
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Vectors
Statistics and Mechanics:
- Statistical sampling
- Data presentation and interpretation
- Probability
- Statistical distributions
- Statistical hypothesis testing
- Quantities and units in mechanics
- Kinematics
- Forces and Newton’s laws
Year 2 Subject Content
Pure Mathematics:
- Proof
- Algebra and functions
- Coordinate geometry in the (x,y) plane
- Sequences and series
- Trigonometry
- Exponentials and logarithms
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Vectors
Numerical methods:
Statistics and Mechanics:
- Statistical sampling
- Data presentation and interpretation
- Probability
- Statistical distributions
- Statistical hypothesis testing
- Quantities and units in mechanics
- Kinematics
- Forces and Newton’s laws
- Moments
Career Opportunities / Routes
For those with a background in Mathematics, an unlimited number of well-paid and rewarding career opportunities are available. Mathematics A-level would be applicable for the following courses/careers: Mathematics, engineering and most areas of physics (further mathematics is often helpful and often required, for some of these courses); computing, accountancy, economics, business, banking, retail management, architecture, surveying, cartography, psychology and teaching.
As the course is linear all exams are at the end of year 13. Students will sit three two hour exam papers. Two of the papers are based on pure mathematics and the other paper is based on applied mathematics (statistics and mechanics). Students all receive a copy of the Pearson A level text books, which are written to the Edexcel specification. Students will be regularly assessed during the course with chapter specific tests and full examinations covering all of the conten
Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1
Paper 2: Pure mathematics 2
Paper 3: Statistics and Mechanics
Further Mathematics - A Level
If you are planning to take a degree such as Engineering, Sciences, Architecture, Computing, Finance/Economics, etc., or perhaps Mathematics itself, you will benefit enormously from taking Further Mathematics. Further Mathematics introduces new topics such as matrices and complex numbers that are vital in many STEM degrees. Students who have studied Further Mathematics find the transition to such degrees far more straightforward.
Further mathematics qualifications are highly regarded and are warmly welcomed by universities. Students who take Further Mathematics are regarded as demonstrating a strong commitment to their studies. Some prestigious university courses require students to have a Mathematics qualification and others such as Imperial, Cambridge and Oxford may adjust their grade requirements more favourably to students with Further mathematics.
Students who reach a grade 8 or 9 at GCSE also have the opportunity to study Further Mathematics, which is also based on the Edexcel specification.
Exam Board: Person Edexcel
Year 2 Subject Content (A level is completed in Year 1 of Y12 and Further maths is completed in year 2 of Y13):
Core Pure Mathematics1/Core Pure Mathematics 2 :
● Proof
● Complex numbers
● Matrices
● Further algebra and functions
● Further calculus
●Further vectors
● Polar coordinates
● Hyperbolic functions
● Differential equations
Further Pure Mathematics 1 /Further Pure Mathematics 2:
● Further trigonometry
● Further calculus
● Further differential equations
● Coordinate systems
● Further vectors
●Further numerical methods
● Inequalities
● Groups
● Further matrix Algebra
● Further complex numbers
● Number theory
● Further sequences and series
Career Opportunities / Routes
For those with a background in Mathematics, an unlimited number of well-paid and rewarding career opportunities are available. Further Mathematics would be applicable for the following courses/careers: Mathematics, engineering and, computing, accountancy, economics, business, banking, retail management, architecture, surveying, cartography, psychology and teaching.
Paper 1: Core Pure Mathematics 1 - 90 minutes
Paper 2: Core Pure Mathematics 2 - 90 minutes
Paper 3: Further Pure Mathematics 1 - 90 minutes
Paper 4: Further Pure Mathematics 2 - 90 minutes