The CPSHE course aims to develop positive, proactive citizens, providing learners with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to make informed choices about their lives and to maximise their personal safety both in the real and virtual world.

British values underpin the delivery of the curriculum. Learners study personal and online safety, and relationship and sex education. They also investigate issues surrounding identity, mental wellbeing, parenthood, and personal finance. Leaners use multimedia to investigate future career paths and to develop emotional literacy. Citizenship issues such as government, the European Union, United Nations, and the law are also explored. Such learning takes place in mixed-ability classes, where every student is supported to develop their thinking skills. CPSHE is assessed internally.

Key stage 3
CPSHE Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2  Summer 1 Summer 2


Once Weekly Lessons

My new school

 Anti Bullying

Penn Resilience Programme 

Knife Crime

Media ready

Anti Bullying

Media ready continued 

Alcohol And Smoking

Heart Start lifesavers programme

Mindfulness meditation practice 


Once Weekly Lessons

Goal Setting

From School to Life

Ealing Survey Online 

Unplugged drug education

Anti Bullying

Knife Crime

Road safety 

Media Influences

Future Options


Relationship and Sex Education 

WATCH OVER ME 1 and 2 on personal safety 


Once Fortnightly Sessions

Government and identity 

Anti Bullying

Road Safety

Knife Crime

School health Alcohol harm reduction project


Be Internet Citizens

Future Options


Child Sexual Exploitation 

WATCH OVER ME 3 on personal safety 


Key stage 4
CPSHE Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2


Once Weekly Sessions

Respect – FIT

Ealing Survey Online

Mental illness investigated

Knife Crime


Part 2 

Parenting / Baby Borrowers

Resilience to violent extremism  

Future Preparation


Mock interview day- Friday 13th July


Once Weekly Sessions

Future Preparation feedback

Post 16 transition SoW KS4 – KS5

Relationship Smarts

Sex Ed Sorted part 2

Knife Crime

Revision- Prep for PP Exams

Road Safety

Personal Finance

Revision Skills/ Exam Prep

PPE Exams

Organ donation            

Be Internet Citizens

Heathy Choices 

Revision Skills/Exam Prep


Citizenship Studies

In year 10, students could select to study Citizenship Studies. Citizenship is about how people take an active part in democratic politics and work together for a better society, locally, nationally and globally. Students will learn about power, democracy, the operation of government and the legal system, and the role of the UK in the wider world. They will explore and learn about different controversial and topical issues with political, social, ethical, economic and environmental dimensions in a local context. They will experience taking citizenship action and learn from making a difference in society themselves. There is a strong literacy focus to the course, as students at this level are required to communicate their learning in an articulate and analytical way, thus a willingness to read, debate and write extended pieces of work are necessary to do well in a GCSE that is examined at the end of the course in two separate paper 1 hour and 45 minute exam papers, worth 100% of the grade.

Unit 1 Year 10

Theme A: Living together in the UK

Theme  B: Democracy at work in the UK

Theme C: Law and justice


Unit 2 Year 11

Theme D: Power and influence

Theme E: Taking citizenship action


There are three assessment objectives:

AO1- Engage with topical citizenship issues and contribute to debates on challenges facing society involving a wide range of political, social and ethical ideas, issues and problems in different contexts.

AO2- Develop and apply understanding of key citizenship concepts to deepen understanding of society and how communities change over time.

AO3- Develop the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding to take action with others to address citizenship issues in communities.

PSHE includes the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). This policy (REGU-Relationships and Growing Up Policy) can be found on our School Policies page.