The CPSHE course aims to develop positive, proactive citizens, providing learners with the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to make informed choices about their lives and to maximise their personal safety both in the real and virtual world.
British values underpin the delivery of the curriculum. Learners study personal and online safety, and relationship and sex education. They also investigate issues surrounding identity, mental wellbeing, parenthood, and personal finance. Leaners use multimedia to investigate future career paths and to develop emotional literacy. Citizenship issues such as government, the European Union, United Nations, and the law are also explored. Such learning takes place in mixed-ability classes, where every student is supported to develop their thinking skills. CPSHE is assessed internally.
PSHE includes the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). This policy (REGU-Relationships and Growing Up Policy) can be found on our School Policies page.