English celebrates the challenges of communication in a world that is rapidly changing. Where it has never been more important for young people to leave secondary school as skilled writers, perceptive readers and impressive speakers, there is an ever-increasing need to emerge as inventive critics of the society evolving around us. Therefore, we believe that high-quality education in English involves both rigorous training in how to read and write effectively and a syllabus that exposes students to the wealth of literature we have today and what it has taught us about the way we live, the way we act, the way we think. With an appreciation of literature comes an understanding of our identities and how to belong.
“we inspire a love of knowledge about literature by making every minute count.”
Our aim is to ensure that all students:
can express themselves imaginatively while demonstrating confident control of vocabulary, grammar, Standard English and how to structure ideas effectively in both writing and speaking
develop an enthusiastic and critical approach to reading through studying a range of modern and pre-1914 literature, including 19th-century novels and Shakespeare
have opportunities to develop high-order critical thinking skills that encourage enquiry into a range of topics and themes