
A level economics provides students with a better understanding of the world around them. Students study fundamental issues such as inflation, employment, consumer behaviour, international trade and poverty. These ever changing issues make economics a dynamic and interesting subject. You will assess policy responses that governments implement in a bid to achieve their macroeconomic goals, as well as learn more about the financial and social consequences of these decisions.

This course provides an introduction to the two main branches of economics: microeconomics (the way in which markets work) and macroeconomics (how economies operate).

Students will learn how to manipulate data, interpret results, present arguments and to make judgements with justified recommendations on the basis of the available evidence. You will assess policy responses that governments have implemented in a bid to achieve their macroeconomic goals, as well as learn more about the financial and social consequences of these decisions, both at home and overseas.

Through the study of Economics you will gain many transferable skills, including advanced analysis and evaluation of current affairs, as well as the critical thinking and data handling. 

We follow the AQA Exam Board at A level.


Year 12 Subject Content:

Students will study the following units during the first year of the course:

The operation of markets and market failure

  1. Economic methodology and the economic problem
  2. Price determination in a competitive market
  3. Production, costs and revenue
  4. Competitive and concentrated markets
  5. The market mechanism, market failure and government intervention in markets

The national economy in a global context

  1. The measurement of macroeconomic performance
  2. How the macroeconomy works : the circular flow of income, AD/AS analysis, and related concepts
  3. Economic performance
  4. Macroeconomic policy

Year 13 Subject Content

Students will study the following units during the second year of the course:

Individuals, firms, markets and market failure

  1. Economic methodology and the economic problem
  2. Individual economic decision making
  3. Price determination in a competitive market
  4. Production, costs and revenue
  5. Perfect competition, imperfectly competitive markets and monopoly
  6. The labour market
  7. The distribution of income and wealth: poverty and inequality
  8. The market mechanism, market failure and government intervention in markets

The national and international economy

  1. The measurement of macroeconomic performance
  2. How the macroeconomy works : the circular flow of income, AD/AS analysis, and related concepts
  3. Economic performance
  4. Financial markets and monetary policy
  5. Fiscal policy and supply-side policies
  6. The international economy

Career Opportunities / Routes

This qualification supports progression into higher education or the world of work. It provides a good foundation for careers in banking and accountancy, politics, journalism and in education. The subject nature ensures that students develop a broad range of skills that will suit a range of careers.


At the end of year 13 there are three 2 hour exams worth 80 marks each.

Paper 1 assesses your knowledge of microeconomics.

Paper 2 assesses your knowledge of macroeconomics.

Paper 3 is synoptic, meaning any content from the entire course could be assessed.

Paper 1:

Written exam: 2 hours

80 marks in total

33.3% of A Level

The exam consists of two sections:

  • Section A: data response questions requiring written answers, choice of one from two contexts worth 40 marks
  • Section B: essay questions requiring written answers, choice of one from three worth 40 marks

Paper 2:

Written exam: 2 hours

80 marks in total

33.3% of A Level

The exam consists of two sections:

  • Section A: data response questions requiring written answers, choice of one from two contexts worth 40 marks
  • Section B: essay questions requiring written answers, choice of one from three worth 40 marks

Paper 3:

Written exam: 2 hours

80 marks in total

33.3% of A Level

The exam consists of two sections:

  • Section A: multiple choice questions worth 30 marks
  • Section B: case study questions requiring written answers, worth 50 marks.