Dormers Wells High School offers a comprehensive career’s programme through lessons, tutor time, and workshops and trips. This begins in year 7 and continues all through our students’ time at school with multiple opportunities to speak to employers, colleges, universities and apprenticeship providers each year. Students selecting their options and applying to our Sixth Form are supported with one-one interviews focussing on their career aspirations. Two careers fairs take place each year and allow students to speak to employers and educational institutions to learn about the world of work, and the best routes to success.
The impact of the career's programme provided by the school is evaluated as per the CEAIG strategy. A Compass evaluation is performed termly, and is used to highlight areas of success. As we are always seeking to better outcomes for our students, any new opportunities brought up during the evaluation are looked at. A range of feedback is gathered from students, staff and employers to fine tune our programme.
We are proud to work with a range of employers and FE/HE institutions. If you are interested in developing a link with our school, please see our Careers Partnership guide.
Careers lead: Mr Parmar -
Labour market Information
Labour market Information can look very confusing at first glance. However it is very important to look at this information because:
It tells you what is happening at local, regional and national levels in the industry you are looking at;
It can tell you whether there will be more or less jobs in this field in the future;
You can find out what the average salary and working patterns are for a particular job;
You will know what type of qualifications people have in that field.
Here is a video that explains more information about LMI: National Careers Service - Labour Market Information
Use the careerometer below to find out LMI in careers and industries that you are interested in.
careers week |
For Year 7, our pastoral curriculum, focuses on helping students to develop key skills to support their academic journey. Year 7 students will take part in activities throughout the year during form time to introduce them to the world of careers so they can start to think about employability. Year 7 students also receive an assembly as part of National Careers Week and will meet a range of employers during the Summer Careers Conference.
The pastoral curriculum for Year 8, helps students to identify their skills and qualities and reflect on their ideal career. By reflecting on this early, we believe that students will be better equipped to understand themselves in relation to the world of work. Students are supported in making some options choices to help them work towards their careers aspiration. Year 8 will also receive an assembly as part of National Careers Week and will meet a range of employers during the Summer Careers Conference.
Year 9 focusses on their final GCSE option choices. Students to reflect on their personal skills and academic progress to enable them to make informed decisions about their future. All students meet with a senior member of staff as part of this process to receive individualised guidance. Students meet with employers and education providers from the world of work and other further and higher education to ensure that they are gaining an insight into different aspects of the workplace and possible destinations in the Winter Careers Fair. Year 9 also have activities and an assembly devoted to careers education as part of National Careers Week.
Year 10 students take part in the Winter Careers Conference and meet a range of employers and further or higher education providers. They will also start to have individual one hour apointments with a careers advisor. During the spring term they will also write a CV and experience a mock interview with an employer. As part of National Careers Week, Year 10 students also receive careers education input through assemblies and morning registration activities.
Throughout year 11 students are supported with their individual aspirations through guidance from a careers advisor. They will meet with a senior member of staff to explore their sixth form application and post-16 plans. Students have additional input on apprenticeships and vocational courses such as T levels ,and all Year 11 students receive additional careers input as part of National Careers Week.
sixth form
Sixth formers experience a pastoral curriculum tailored to supporting their work and university destinations. They are given opportunities to improve their public speaking and interview skills, develop their understanding of different industries, routes into careers and appropriate educational choices that will support this. They will receive assemblies and sessions to support their UCAS applications and understanding of apprenticeships. They will also be able to attend both Winter and Summer Careers Conferences.
careers policy (coming soon)
careers benchmark results
t levels at dwhs
careers partnership
careers strategy plan
year 8 and year 9 options |
As part of the careers guidance given to students in Years 8 and 9, options evening was held on the 21st of February 2024. Please find a copy of the information booklet and presentations given to support your child in making informed options choices.
year 8 into year 9 options
year 9 into year 10 options