Library and Reading

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Read Your Way to Success’.

The library is in the heart of our school. Reading and acquiring knowledge is the most important part of learning and the library helps students to learn and make progress. Pupils must be able to read for them to achieve academically. As pupils progress through a specialised curriculum, there is a growing need to ensure that pupils are trained to access the academic language and conventions of different subjects. 

Reading for pleasure and oracy has many benefits in supporting pupils’ development. Amongst other things, it has been shown to increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce the symptoms of depression and improve wellbeing throughout life. There is a large gap in achievement between secondary school students who read books for pleasure and those who do not (OECD, 2010; Mol and Bus, 2011).

There is a wide selection of books and magazines to meet a range of abilities and interests. The library resources not only support home learning assignments, but also encourage a true love of reading. The library is open to everyone before school, during break, during lunch and after school. 

All year 7 students participate in library Induction during their first weeks at Dormers Wells High School. This allows them to become acquainted with all library resources. 6th Form students are also welcome to visit the library throughout the day to use books and computers for their research or for quiet study.

The library is run by two friendly librarians, who will always try to help students with home learning and recommend a great book… or two… or three...There is also a group of Student Library Leaders on duty during the day to offer support in the running and organisation of the library and to recommend books to their peers.

whats on in the library...

The Library is involved in many book-promoting events, which include World Book Day, book fairs, as well as author visits and workshops. Throughout the year, the library staff organise a number of competitions and constantly provide opportunities for peer book recommendations. The Library is also actively involved in dlivering and supporting the Accelerated Reader Literacy program to all students in Year 7 and 8 through timetabled library lessons.  

reading challenges

The KS4 and KS5 Reading Challenge

Sign up with the library in September 2024!














reading with your son or daughter

Fostering a love of reading for life

In order to foster a love of reading for life in your child, it is important to instil a number of good habits in their daily routine.  Your child should read 30-45 minutes per day which will improve his/her grammar, vocabulary, spelling and imagination.


How does Dormers Wells High School help?

Dormers Wells High School boasts a wonderfully resourced library where all students can borrow up to three books at a time. The library opening hours are from 8am to 5pm every day to facilitate students in loaning, renewing and ordering books. Our librarians are always available to assist in recommending books and to provide reading lists if desired.

Our curriculum is rich in reading opportunities and our pastoral curriculum also includes two DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) sessions per fortnight for all students from Year 7 to Year 13. All students from Year 7 to Year 9 are timetabled in the library during their English lesson on a fortnightly basis.  

All Year 7 and Year 8 students are enrolled onto Accelerated Reader which results in House Points and other rewards being awarded.


Other ways to support your child’s learning

Educational research shows that children greatly benefit from reading aloud and from being read to. To address this in school, some students are allocated mentors from upper years to listen to them read To support your child’s learning at home, it is recommend that an adult or elder sibling reads to him/her on a frequent basis. Alternatively, you could ask your child to read to his/her younger siblings. These good habits result in conversations about reading, revising or explaining key vocabulary, and forging a bond over reading together. Research also shows that a child benefits from seeing his/her parents/carers reading in the home environment too – a wonderful reason to begin that book you’ve been looking forward to reading!


Other ways to support your child’s learning

You may not be reading with your child as you did at primary school but you can still support good reading habits. Talk to your child about the books you're both reading. Encourage your child to borrow up to three books at time from our school library. Sign up and go to the public library together - if your child is stuck for a new author, ask the librarian for guidance or look online at book reviews. Ask what books your child would like for presents on special occasions.

Keeping up-to-date with the news helps with schoolwork. Try to encourage your child to read a newspaper at least once or twice a week. Find news stories that connect to lesson topics. If your child is researching a subject, suggest the online archives of a good newspaper or the BBC website.

If you’re planning a day out, visit a museum or gallery that will tie in with work your child is doing in subjects such as Art, English, History, Geography or Science - this can be a fun way to add depth and interest to your child's learning.


To support your child’s reading skills at home, you could use some of these questions to begin a discussion around the text or book your child is reading


useful websites

Accelerated Reader :  enables you to see if a book is an Accelerated Reader book and to find out the level and quiz number. a massive database of authors and their books.  You can use this website to find out the order of books in a series and if there are any new books from particular authors about to be published.  offers useful book lists and recommendations including "what to read after..." another good site with useful lists and suggestions for further reading. the world's largest site for readers and book recommendations.  A wealth of all things 'books' can be found here. (Note: this is an American site so some titles are not available in the UK)  here you can attend ‘Author Masterclasses’ with Authorfy: gives access a library of 60,000 free ebooks including Classics and books published before 1924