The Year 9 New Forest Camping Residential
Widely regarded by our young people as ‘one of the best thing I did at Dormers Wells’, the Year 9 residential takes place every summer term and is a wonderful opportunity for our students to explore the extraordinary beauty of the English forests. Kayaking, cycling and hiking are just a few of the activities our young people will enjoy. They will also develop their team work and initiative through a series of forest challenges. They will visit local seaside towns and have the opportunity to explore these new locations.
This three day adventure will develop resilience, collaborative working, independence and friendships. Staff and students both value this time together to further strengthen relationships and enjoy some time in the countryside and surrounding small towns.
Every year we are delighted and amazed to see the change that takes place in our young people in such a short space of time. We see new levels of maturity and initiative as they tackle challenges and new leaders are born as they begin to step forward to support their team. This trip is run by DWHS staff and not outsiders.
We encourage parents to help us nurture this spirit of adventure and excitement by allowing their children to attend; we are fully staffed and have very stringent protocols that are closely followed, ensuring the safety of all students.
Staff at Dormers Wells High School have been running this residential for thirty years, its success and longevity are down to the unique way in which the residential is run; ensuring everyone present, both staff and students have an active role in its smooth running.
We look forward to welcoming your child on this exciting residential and know you will see the positive impact this trip will have upon their character and maturity.
Mr Knox
Community Cohesion Leader