Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium (PP)

Schools are allocated a Pupil Premium Fund of £935 per student for those who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point during the last six years – these students are deemed ‘disadvantaged’.

All students in receipt of the PP Fund may avail of a range of appropriate interventions to support them in their learning.  The aim is to ensure that they achieve expected progress during their five years in high school.  Staff monitor these levels of progress throughout each year group to measure the impact of the interventions.  The PP budget for 2023-2024 has been set at £359,525.

Measuring the impact of pupil pr-emium interventions

Progress data is collected each term and analysed to track the progress of every student.  Interventions are reviewed each term and students either continue or are moved to more relevant measures to support them.  We recognise that a large majority of our students are not significantly better off or could be considered less deprived than some PP students and we therefore target many students following data analysis on the basis of achievement and tackle low literacy within the context of pupil premium.

Key stage 4 results are analysed to compare the achievements of students in receipt of the pupil premium with the national average for all pupils. 

pupil premium statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2023 to 2024 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview



School name

Dormers Wells High school

Number of pupils in school (KS3/4)


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

December 2021

Date on which it will be reviewed

May 2022

Statement authorised by

Ms R Walsh

Pupil premium lead

Mr D McCarthy

Governor / Trustee lead

Mr C Anderson

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year

£ £359,525

Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year



Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent

Dormers Wells high school works with a number of providers to create programmes that engage Pupil Premium students of all abilities, ethnicities and gender. Our intent is to narrow the attainment gap between PP and non PP students and make best use of the funding allocation to provide opportunities to enrich students’ educational and holistic experiences.

Dormers Wells high school has used the DFE guidance and Education Endowment fund Research in particular to support our approaches, please see the links below

The programmes are designed to meet a tiered approach across three main strands:

  • *Teaching
  • *Targeted academic support
  • *Wider strategies

Our focus has been to use the funding to continue to develop and measure the impact of the following interventions and programmes in particular reference to Pupil Premium students:

  • Pupil Progress
  • Provision for HAP PP students
  • Digital technology
  • Breakfast club
  • Providing high quality CPD
  • Student support services
  • Whole school literacy
  • Targeted small group revision session
  • Other educational opportunities
  •  Finance support.


This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Dormers Wells high school is located in an area that experiences high levels of multiple deprivation.


Large parts of the community in which Dormers Wells high school is part of uses English as a second language leading to low levels of academic literacy among students and parents.


Due to the levels of financial deprivation that our students experience, individual access to technology for the purpose of education is limited and barrier to online and home learning.


Due to the levels of financial deprivation that our students experience, individual access to sporting, leisure and cultural/enrichment opportunities are limited and barrier to learning. 


Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Progress and achievement

The progress and academic achievement of pupil premium students will be in the forefront of CPD, curriculum development and student targeting to narrow the gap nationally and within the school with their non-PP peers.

Dormers Wells high school will use up to date educational research and range of appropriate and effective interventions, regularly reviewed, to narrow the gap between PP and non-PP students. PP students will achieve in line with non-disadvantaged students nationally or better at KS4.

  • Pupil premium students will achieve in line with their non- PP peers within the school and better than the national average for PP and non-PP in the KS4 P8 and 4+ English/Maths measures.
  • Pupil Premium students will achieve in line with their non- PP peers within the school at KS3 P8 and 4+ English/Maths measures.

Current and ongoing interventions include:

  • GCSEPOD, Pixl, 1 to 1 tuition, Feb/Easter revision, additional staffing in English, maths and science, additional curriculum resources, introduction of Prep learning.

Review Date: June/Sept 2023

Responsible: MY/SLT/CL/YL


Widening Participation

The provision and participation of pupil premium students will be in the forefront when staff members plan extracurricular activities and opportunities. Pupil premium students will be actively targeted though teacher-student conversations and parental engagement to ensure the opportunities are effectively communicated with this group.


Dormers Wells high school will investigate and use the most appropriate and effective interventions and opportunities, regularly reviewed, to ensure participation of pupil premium students across a wide of academic and extracurricular opportunities to build reliance and match our school character values.

  • All interventions and activities will have a minimum of 33% PP participation.
  • Where appropriate pupil premium students’ participation will be above the school average.
  • Staff will actively encourage pupil premium students to successfully engage with the opportunities they run (evident in participation number and student voice).
  • Student and parental voice will show evidence of wider participation and high levels of communication. 
  • School leadership opportunities including prefects, school council and headteachers ambassadors will include at least 33% pupil premium students.

Current and ongoing interventions include:

  • HAP intervention, school trips and events, Clubs, other academic and holistic activities e.g., music lessons, school parent meetings e.g., the Afghan group and school leadership groups

Review Date: June/Sept 2023

Responsible: MY/SLT/CL/YL


Inclusion and Attendance

Student at DWHS have a range of complex needs. The school will employ a range of strategies to ensure pupil premium students are engaged with their learning, self-regulating, developing in line with our character values and are a valued part of our school community.

  • Pupil premium students’ attendance and punctuality to school will be in line with or above the national average data.
  • Pupil premium students’ school attendance and punctuality will be in line with or above their non-PP peers.
  • pupil premium students’ achievement and behaviour points will be in line with, better than or below their non-PP peers.
  • pupil premium students’ HT, IE and exclusion incidences will be in line with or below their non-PP peers.

Current and ongoing interventions include:

  • Student support services (mentoring, CBT) Attendance officer, breakfast club, Free bagel programme.

Review Date: June/Sept 2023

Responsible: MY/SLT/CL/YL


Review of effective provision

  • To evaluate the best strategies to improve the progress of Pupil Premium students.  
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and opportunities aimed at improving PP wellbeing and participation.
  • To further narrow the gap between PP and Non-PP students where this exists.  

Effective IAG means PP students continue to pick EBACC subjects for their GCSE options


pupil premium programme research

Dormers Wells high school has used a number of sources to create a programme that engages Pupil Premium students of all ability and gender and make best use of the funding allocation.  Dormers Wells high school has used the DFE guidance and Education Endowment fund Research in particular to support our approaches, please see the links below

The programmes are designed to meet a tiered approach across three main strands:

  • Teaching
  • Targeted academic support
  • Wider strategies

Our focus has been too been to use the funding to continue to develop and measure the impact of the following in particular reference to Pupil Premium:

  • Pupil Progress
  • Provision for HAP PP students
  • Digital technology
  • Breakfast club
  • Providing high quality CPD
  • Student support services
  • Whole school literacy
  • Targeted small group revision session
  • Other educational opportunities
  • Finance support.

The delivery of this strategies has had to adapt during the periods of lockdown, however student and parental engagement has continued to be high on all the programmes.

Further information can be found by following the links below.




Staffing   £302,862
Pupil Premium Whole School EDWSP £6,000
Pupil Premium Year 7 EDPP7 £1,500
Year 9 Residential EDRTR £6,988
School Trips EDSTR £3,500
Overseas Trips EDOTR £5,000
Gifted and Talented EDGTA £5,000
Pupil support programme EDPSP £10,000
School development EDSTF £5,000
Clubs costs EDCLU £2,000
Literacy catchup EDLCU £2,500
Litcheracy whole school EDLIT £3,000
Pixl   £6,195
Total   £56,663
Total expenditure   £359,525


pupil premium impact

Summer 2023 update and impact review

  • Pupil premium students performed in line with non-pupil premium students in terms of those achieving a grade 9-4 in English and mathematics.  80% of pupil premium students achieved a 9-4 grade in English and mathematics, compared to 83% of non-pupil premium students. This is a significant increase on the previous year’s results where 64% of pupil premium students achieved a 9-4 grade in English and mathematics, compared to 80% of non-pupil premium students. These results place us as one of the leading schools in the borough and a real area of strength in the school.
  • Non-pupil premium students and pupil premium students performed equally well when comparing grades 9-5 in English and mathematics. 58% of pupil premium students achieved a 9-5 in English and mathematics compared to 61% of non-pupil premium students. This is significant progress in this area. The school continues to target pupil premium students to ensure this narrow gap does not grow.
  • The pupil premium progress 8 score was +0.74 significantly higher than last year’s figure of +0.33 and the 2018/19 figure +0.34. This was significantly above the 2018/19 last fully examined years national figure for all students of: -0.03 and PP students of -0.45.
Year No. of Year 11 students on roll at DWHS No. of Pupil Premium students at DWHS % of students achieving 9-4 in English and maths at DWHS National Figure
2019-2020 240 80 78% N/A
2020-2021 233 74 72% N/A
2021-2022 232 69 83% 64.1
2022-2023 233 71 82% 60.5
Year No. of Year 11 students on roll at DWHS          No. of Pupil Premium students at DWHS           % of pupil premium students achieving 9-4 in English and maths at DWHS National Figure         
2019-2020 240 80 80% N/A
2020-2021 233 74 64% N/A
2021-2022 232 69 78% N/A
2022-2023 233 71 80% N/A
Year No. of Year 11 students on roll at DWHS No. of Pupil Premium students at DWHS % of non-pupil premium students achieving 9-4 in English and maths at DWHS National Figure
2019-2020 240 80 74% N/A
2020-2021 233 74 80% N/A
2021-2022 232 69 85% N/A
2022-2023 233 71 83% N/A