A wealth of educational research indicates that there is a direct link between a high level of attendance at school and academic success. We desire all students to achieve the very best they can therefore it is imperative that they attend school every day and arrive on time to ensure the best start to the day. Government legislation supports the importance of good school attendance. The minimum expectation for attendance is 98%. If a student is absent from school due to illness, it is necessary for the parents or guardians to notify the school on 020 8566 6446 – option 2 or via the My Ed app.
Where possible, dental and medical appointments should be made out of school time. If the timing of the appointment is unavoidable, then the student is required to present the appointment letter or card. A green signing out slip should to be obtained before school from Student Reception. The green slip is required to be signed by the appropriate Year Leader, Deputy Year Leader or by a senior member of staff. Students should sign out at Student Reception prior to leaving the school site and sign in upon their return to school.
Should the school require to close due to an emergency or to severe weather conditions, please check the school website for guidance which will be updated daily.
All students are expected to arrive at school by 8.45am and be ready to enter their form rooms by the bell at 8.50am. Students should ensure they are appropriately prepared for the day ahead of this registration process. A student is deemed as being late for school if they are not in their registration room by 8.50am. If arriving late to school, students must sign in at Student Reception from 8.50am. A parent or guardian should explain the absence via the parental app. Late arrival disrupts the education of the student who is late and of their peers and persistent lateness to school may result in a fixed fine.
Lateness to school is sanctioned with a 15 minute detention at break time on the same day and 1 Behaviour Point (1BP). Failure to attend a detention at break time results in a no notice 30 minute detention after school on the same day. A student who fails to attend this detention will be sanctioned with Year Leader detention and 3BPs. If a student accrues two or more lates in one week, they are given 1BP in addition to the sanctions outlined above.
Dormers Wells High School acknowledges that important religious festivals may fall outside school holidays therefore students are permitted to take a maximum of two days off from school for religious leave each academic year.