The continual professional development of all our staff is a priority at Dormers Wells High School. We develop our performance and practice in a number of ways:
Professional Development CPD sessions on Learning and Teaching via PLTS (Personal Learning Teaching Sessions – these sessions focus on our key areas of development as a school. Staff select from a menu of training which allows them to deepen their pedagogical knowledge and develop their classroom practice to improve the quality of learning for our students. Each cycle of training ends with individual groups sharing their learning of how they have put into practice their newly acquired pedagogy to impact on their students’ learning. At the end of the year all staff come together in our “Celebration of Learning” event, which allows a genuine opportunity to share and learn from each other across the whole school.
DLTS (Department Learning Teaching Sessions) - these are two hour sessions led by Curriculum Leader with their department. These sessions allow teams time to focus on subject pedagogy in greater detail.
Staff Training – these are individual standalone training sessions which allow staff to develop and be continually updated on important areas such as Safeguarding, Child Protection, Appraisal etc.
MLDP (Middle Leader Development Programme) – is time specifically set aside to support the leadership development of curriculum and pastoral leaders across the school.
In addition to the above at Dormers Wells High School staff have access to the range of professional development below:
• Appraisal action planning and development opportunities
• Senior Leadership Meetings
• INSET days
• Curriculum and Year Reviews
• Feedback after lesson learning reviews
• Working with Pedagogy Leaders on specific areas for development
• External CPD
• Subject Network Meetings
• Borough training opportunities e.g. ETSA (Ealing Teaching Schools Alliance)
• Teach Meet events, Teaching & Learning Conference, NQT induction
• NQT & ITT training programme including Teach First and School Direct
• Induction Programme for new staff
• Observing others teach
• Mentoring and coaching sessions